Maintenance / Technical review

We are pleased that you have chosen a Kirchgaesser measuring device. Our devices are long-lasting, robust, meet the highest standards, and therefore guarantee a high level of availability for your plant. In order to guarantee the protection of your quality- and safety-relevant measurement points, we are able to support you to do this professionally. Together, we determine maintenance and test measures to ensure optimal plant performance over a very long period of time.


To be able to start the required maintenance or technical conversion, we require a completed decontamination declaration with information about the medium, process and cleaning agent.

Our Services

  • When we receive your device, we will first visually inspect it. In doing so, we will determine whether further information (e.g. about the medium) must first be sought.
  • Depending on the required scope and necessary documentation for the maintenance or check, the costs are calculated and submitted to you for your approval (cost estimate). If it is ascertained when checking the device that repair work is required, these costs will also be submitted to you for your approval. Further work is only carried out once you have approved the costs.
  • If requested by the customer and depending on the condition of the device, preventative maintenance includes professionally cleaning the device, replacing worn parts, as well as completing a factory calibration (using the calibration report for flow measuring devices) and updating the software.


Declaration of Hazardous Material and De-Contamination

For legal reasons and to protect our employees and operational facilities, we require a signed "Declaration of Hazardous Material and De-Contamination" before we can process your order. It must be affixed to the outside of the package.

Contact person

If you have any questions about our service offerings, please contact:

Thorsten Haring (State Certified Business Economist)

P +49 2102 955-714
F +49 2102 955-720
E thorsten.haring(at)
B Business card (vcf)

Kirchgaesser Industrieelektronik GmbH | Am Rosenbaum 6 | D-40882 Ratingen | +49 2102 9556 |
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