Our distribution partners - strong partners

Our competent and experienced sales partners support us to best serve our customers around the world. If you are in one of the following countries, in which we work together with local partners, please contact the relevant partner directly.


CHT Business Service

Shouchun Road 156
Gujing Flowers Building, Block A, 16th Floor, Room 1602
230001 Hefei, China

P +86 (551) 6 102 159
F +86 (551) 6 102 152

Contact persons:

Mrs. Zheng
P +86 139 56024180
E jana.zheng(at)cn.kirchgaesser.com

Mr. Mi
P +86 136 36372996
E mihongwen(at)cht-bs.de

Contact us

Kirchgaesser Industrieelektronik GmbH       

Am Rosenbaum 6
40882 Ratingen

P +49 2102 955-6
F +49 2102 955-720
E info(at)kirchgaesser.com

Kirchgaesser Industrieelektronik GmbH | Am Rosenbaum 6 | D-40882 Ratingen | +49 2102 9556 |
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